Training tagged posts
You People Say the Darnedest Things!
June 28, 2015
Good intentions... I suppose that could be the cause.
I remember the first time someone called out my name in a race who wasn't part of my family or a friend who knew me. I had heard that during a race a spectator might see you coming and quickly look up your number in the race program and instead of calling your number, which they noticed on your race bib they would use your name instead. Unfortunately that did not happen, well not until they started printing our names on the race bibs. Then it happened a lot. However, instead of being encouraged by what the person said, oddly I found myself questioning and thinking about the meaning of their words.
"Way to go Daniel... You're almost there!"
"What?!" I would think. "Did she just say or did he justRead More -
New Normal… It’s Getting Better All the Time
June 20, 2015
For you, my audience, It's been a week since I wrote about the my cycling accident resulting in a broken hip and six months of projected rehabilitation. For me, it's been seven days to experience a rollercoaster of emotional heights and physical limitations. However, to say that its been hard requires perspective. I still have great overall health, I am prepared daily with an accommodation of food and activity all within arm's reach, I have plenty of time to catch up on things like Game of Thrones and Mad Men and I get chauffeured everywhere I need to go. So... hard is a relative term. Besides, I don't really watch Game of Thrones or Mad Men. I just like the idea that should I want to, I could.
The one thing that has been a consistent theme throughout the week are people telling me
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In an Instant
June 13, 2015
Like this post, things just come unexpectedly.
When I moved to San Jose, CA back in 2007 I was an avid blogger. Focusing mostly on topics of art, innovation, faith and occasionally the sport of triathlon. Over several years we created a tight community of readers/followers and I really enjoyed the avenue for self expression and valued deeply those who cared enough to engage. However, in time, as life began to press from many different angles and with a shifting center of purpose, I decided those writing days were over and I would eventually walk away from DoxA, my blog of seven years (it still lives but only as a content placeholder and can be found HERE).
One consistent topic on my old blog was my love for triathlon, a sport I've been doing since 2001. Occasionally I would
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Second Steps are Still Baby Steps
As a triathlete, I've learned one of the great lessons in life is... It takes less knowledge accomplishing a thing then it takes doing that thing! I know a lot of folks who talk about things but that seems to be all they do... talk about them. Then I know people who do things but don't talk about them... at all. Of course those are two opposite extremes and most people I know lie somewhere in the middle. So, where are you?
What keeps people from talking rather than doing? I believe many people who talk the talk actually talk it quite well. In fact, they are some of the best talkers on the topic they're talking about. Some are intent to be just talkers... college professors for example. Some are just hobbyists... baseball fans who know an entire team's batting averages is another
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First Steps are Always Baby Steps
March 1, 2013
- A couple weeks ago my wife showed me a pair of shoes that were apparently designed to shape and tone your bum simply by walking in them. Sounded pretty "sketchy" to me. But then I got to thinking about this... Today marks the start of my 2013 triathlon season. My training and racing typically follows a 9 month plan of preparation and performance. Generally, this ends in September/October and my start is January but since my schedule has me going through to December for the first time in my 12 year racing career, I'm getting a later start. What this really means is I've had a longer off season. Translation: I've put on a few more pounds, gotten out of my routine of regular training and settled into a comfortable comfort. Now comes early morning alarms, cold weather, hill repeats,Read More
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Yes, I love this time of year. There is a distinct rhythm all around; a time when drinking egg nog lattes and nibbling on delectable sweets brought daily into the office allows the ever-so-subtle expansion of the waistline. Now before I go any further into my explanation of of this season with my greetings, I want to clearly state I'm not talking about the Holidays. No... I'm talking about that period between your last race and the new year mostly referred to as "The OFF season."
The off-season allows dedicated endurance athletes a chance to get a break from the weekly grind of training. It provides time for the body to recover from nagging injuries caused by over use and provides the mind a chance to erase the grooves etched in the soul from daily routines washing away fatigue and
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Training is Good for Every Body
October 29, 2012
Now that the season is officially over (at least for me) I have declared a season of rest. This means a break from training and opportunities to eat fast food and sit on the couch... well, not quite but I'll not worry about those early morning swim sessions as much nor will I be anxious to get home and pull on those shoes for a 90 minute run before dinner! Regardless of how I look at it one thing is certain; a break from training means simply that... a break. Training is necessary and should be a constant discipline of a successful triathlete. The same is true for success of any kind in any field.Let me state the obvious as it relates to us on a personal level: The very word "training" sounds hard. Training comes in all kinds of means and methods. For a musician training can be
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What Get’s Us Across the Line
October 29, 2012
On this new site; Ironmanfaith I will be reposting several articles I wrote on my other blog DoxA and well as past race reports. I will do this bit by bit and over time should have most of those postings here. Ocassionally there will be new, original posts as well. But for now here's a post that applies to all of us...
It's the same thing that gets us up in the morning. It's a doubt, perhaps fear, within one's mind of personal limits. It's a destination never been. It's an accomplishment to impress others if asked. It's a disruption of the mundane routine of life... it's not the start of the race but rather the finish for which we strive.
But what if the finish has become too common or mundane itself? What gets us across the line?
I have competed in triathlon now for eleven
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